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Device is protected

I'm sorry, I'm not a STM8 developerI just want to upgrade an RFID readerThe CPU is STM8S003F3The programmer is ST-LINK V2The connection is SWIMThe programmer is ST Visual ProgrammerIt gives me the error "The device is protected"Is there any way to er...

GEvan by Associate
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Input Capture using timers.

HiI'm working on a BLDC Motor control project using STM8S Discovery Board (STM8S 105C6T6 MCU). I need to read the hall sensor inputs from my motor onto the three channels of TIM 2. So I thought of getting acquainted with the mechanism of input captur...

DebD21 by Associate
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What is the sampling rate in adc??

I have some confusion about sampling rate in adc,in data sheet it conversion time takes 14 clock cycles, then i am using internal oscillator 16mhz and prescalar selection is 8 and i get conversation time is 3.5micro seconds,i want know about exactly ...

SP.9 by Associate II
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Resolved! Dangerous error causes fires and devastation!

Hi. I'm glad you're reading this, i hope you can help.Click-bait aside, i experience a nasty and unexpected behavior of external interrupts in a professional, industrial product designed around STM8AL318ATC.In short, there are 2 digital signals (from...

arta by Associate II
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Hi All, I am new to STM8S and not yet that good at microcontroller programming in general. I am trying to learn about timers/counters in microcontrollers. I wrote following code to toggle an LED connected at PD1 pin in each second.

#include <stdint.h>#include<iostm8s.h>void main(void){         TIM2_PSCR = 0b00000111;  TIM2_EGR= 0x01; TIM1_CR1 = 0x01;    PD_DDR = 0x01; PD_CR1 = 0x01; while(1) { if ( ( ((uint16_t)TIM2_CNTRH << 8) + (uint16_t)TIM2_CNTRL ) >= 15625 )  { TIM2_...

SP.9 by Associate II
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STM8 USART one time receive only two bytes

INTERRUPT_HANDLER(USART1_RX_TIM5_CC_IRQHandler,28) { /* In order to detect unexpected events during development, it is recommended to set a breakpoint on the following instruction. */ //uint8_t temp = USART1->SR; ...


stm8 tx by interrupt output many \0

INTERRUPT_HANDLER(USART1_TX_TIM5_UPD_OVF_TRG_BRK_IRQHandler,27) { /* In order to detect unexpected events during development, it is recommended to set a breakpoint on the following instruction. */ USART_SendData8(USART1, TxBuffer[T...