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STVD workspace location limitation?

I wish to use STVD to set up a new workspace on a mapped common drive but it whereas I can see and go to a mapped drive with the Atmel IDE etc the STVD IDE doesnt appear to recognise it. Is this a known limitation or something I am doing wrong?

BCowa by Associate II
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How to get interrupts work when compiling from command-line?

I set up a project that generates the makefiles for the STM8 target. It almost works, just the interrupt vector table is not updated with the definitions in the code.The interrupts are set up and work. I can see that from the button press on the disc...


For the mass production i am want gang programmer or I need to program through UART without any bootl-oader firmware.

NM by Associate III
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stm8s105k4 CCO does not output

here is the code the PD0 does not output clockI'm new to stm8 and reference STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib example

Resolved! Sample USART project for STM8L-Discovery

I have a big problem when using USART on STM8L-DISCOVERY. I studied the reference manual but it didn’t help me. I use library SPI. Could you send me a project working with usart on STM8L-DISCOVERY please!!!! NOTE: This question and answer originated ...

STM8S003 program disappears

I am currently using STM8S003 and use to option byteDuring normal use, sometimes the program suddenly disappears.Then when re-burn, it will fail and the following message will show:Errors while setting configuration with MCU name STM8S103F3P: gdi-err...

LYang.3 by Associate
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