timer counter
float get_resi(void) in https://gist.github.com/goog/bf784c5f63a199ddbde7cd49db92f73fcould you help to check the get_resi function?im not sure whether my time counter has some issue?
float get_resi(void) in https://gist.github.com/goog/bf784c5f63a199ddbde7cd49db92f73fcould you help to check the get_resi function?im not sure whether my time counter has some issue?
I am working on my first STM8 project and getting used to its own flavour of quirks etc.Setting up a new project installs stm8s_interrupt_vector.c which I understand. I want to use the standard peripheral drivers so have downloaded them and added the...
static void TIM1_Config(void) { CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_TIM1, ENABLE); TIM1_DeInit(); // 2m/ 40 TIM1_TimeBaseInit(39, TIM1_CounterMode_Down, 0xffff, 0); //timer freq = (clock CPU/16) -> 1bit = 1uS -> 92...
I installed the STVP and need to change the LSIEN bit when writing the STM8S003F3, but the Option Byte, Program Memory and Data Memory tabs do not appear in the STVP.On other computers everything is ok, but here in the notebook that I use, the tabs d...
Hello,I'm starting to use the STM8L family and in particular the STM8L050 MCU. I want to start with low power so i wrote this piece of code : /* MAIN.C file * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 STMicroelectronics */ #include <stdint.h> #include "stm8l.h" ...
I have to print data on the console and I could not able to enable serial port for stm8l discovery
Hello,I'm very new with stm8. Im using a STM8L050 and it seems i have bricked my board because i have set my CPU in halt but now i cannot flash it again. Is it possible ?Best regards,Aurélien
mcu into active-halt mode, so i can not enable ULP?if i set ulp to 1, then the lcd blinks
#if I2C_ENABLE USART_ClearITPendingBit(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE); USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, DISABLE); p_write = (uint8_t *)&temp100; sEE_WriteBuffer(p_write, write_addr, 2); USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE); printf("i2c write do...
Even though I did set optimization to "Disable for Debugging (-no)" there are certen lines of code which are removed by the compiler and are not available for setting a breakpoint and they do not get executed. This can be observed by certin results a...