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New User Blues

Hi. As a newbie user of ST microcontrollers, I'm confronted with myriad documents to study in order to get started on the sorts of functions I need to implement with their devices. I'm wondering if ST offers a tool that allows you to just enter the...

What is the amount of RAM available in STM8AF6226Tx/Ux?

The STM8AF6x line-up, the STM8AF6 product selector and STM8CubeMX all specify 2K RAM for the STM8AF6226Tx and the STM8AF6226Ux. The STM8AF6226 datasheet specifies 1K.​I'm used to trusting the datasheet more (errata processes etc) but which one is rig...

Thomas G by Associate II
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Hello I'm Using STM8S003F3PU mini-eval Board. My software is STVD and Cosmic. Why My TIM1 don't work truly? It should measure the input signal HIGH_Duration on TIM1_CH1

HelloI'm Using STM8S003F3PU mini-eval Board. My software is STVD and Cosmic. Why My TIM1 don't work truly? It should measure the input signal HIGH_Duration on TIM1_CH1 (= PC6) and my led on PA3 turned off. But that's not so. Furthermore, I use debug ...

Jhabi by Associate II
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TIM1 doesn't work on STM8S003F3PU

HelloI'm Using STM8S003F3PU mini-eval Board. My software is STVD and Cosmic. Why My TIM1 don't work truly? It should measure the input signal HIGH_Duration on TIM1_CH1 (= PC6) and my led on PA3 turned off. But that's not so. Furthermore, I use debug ...

Jhabi by Associate II
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TIM1 Doesn't work on STM8S003F3PU

HelloI'm Using STM8S003F3PU mini-eval Board. My software is STVD and Cosmic. Why My TIM1 don't work truly? It should measure the input signal HIGH_Duration on TIM1_CH1 (= PC6) and my led on PA3 turned off. But that's not so. Furthermore, I use debug ...

Jhabi by Associate II
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Resolved! STLINK V2 not talking to an STM8TL52F4P6 chip

Hi. I just bought an STLINK/V2 dongle, trying to install and debug an example project (SimpleLEDBlinkExample) on an STM8 MCU via its SWIM pin, working within the IAR Embedded Workbench. For the dongle, I installed the recommended USB driver and the c...

@svlreg missing function error

Hello,I am trying to rebuild STM8A discovery project(AN4101). After building I got the error ''#error clnk Debug\stm8af_discover.lkf:1 @svlreg missing for function f_CAN_RX_IRQHandler''. Similar post about this issue were answered as write '@svlreg' ...

STM8 SPI slave device data read

Hi,I want to read more than one byte of data from slave device. I am using STM8AF family micrcontroller in master mode and pressure sensor SMP580 is a slave device. Master will send command which is of 1-byte to read 16 bit data from slave device. An...

DOman.1 by Associate II
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How protect GPIOs from ISO7637-3 Pulses?

Hi,I would like to protect my GPIOs from ISO7637-3 pulses with a rail to rail diode solution. But I have seen that the GPIOs already have a intern rail to rail protection with a forward voltage Vf_int = 0.6V (Datasheet Fig. 43). To protect my GPIOs w...

TLich.1 by Associate
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