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Forum Posts

UART based Boot loader for STM8 MCU's

Hello All,We have designed a custom board using STM8L052C6 MCU chip, where we have include a Boot loader functionality in it.This Boot loader is UART based where the application binary file will be received on the Custom board in packet over UART an...

STM8AL3189TCX NRST pin is asserted what happens to MCU output

Hello All,we are using STM8AL3189TCX MCU in our design to control the system.A WDT signal "MCU_NRST" is connected to NRST(PIN-2, NRST/PA1) pin in microcontroller with a Pull up to 3V3.What will happen to MCU IC when the below reset condition occur: C...

Mlokesh by Associate
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TIM1 doesn't work on STM8S003F3PU

HelloI'm Using STM8S003F3PU mini-eval Board. My software is STVD and Cosmic. Why My TIM1 don't work truly? It should measure the input signal HIGH_Duration on TIM1_CH1 (= PC6) and my led on PA3 turned off. But that's not so. Furthermore, I use debug ...

Jhabi by Associate II
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SPI Transmit Interrupt Enable causes STM8 device reset

Hi,I am using STM8 device as a SPI master and SMP580 is a slave. When I enable SPI Transmit Interrupt (SPI_ICR-> TXIE = 1) MCU is resetting and when not enable MCU reset not occurring. I am enabling these interrupt during MCU Init. MCU not reset when...

DOman.1 by Associate II
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swim error [30006]: st-link connection error on STM8L050J3

Hi,​a communication error occurred on STM8L050J3 while studying.i use STVD, ST-LINK/V2 ISOL, STM8L050J3.​it was't working after download to USART.i think that SWIM communication(Port A0) and USART_RX(Pin C6) is Pin 1 as same, so two communication cra...

KTAEW.1 by Associate
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New User Blues

Hi. As a newbie user of ST microcontrollers, I'm confronted with myriad documents to study in order to get started on the sorts of functions I need to implement with their devices. I'm wondering if ST offers a tool that allows you to just enter the...