2009-09-01 10:47 AM
Application Note: Executing functions from RAM with STM8
2011-05-17 6:04 AM
In your STM8 projects you may require functions that are executed from RAM. Typical uses for this feature are: – In-application programming, where Flash must be reprogrammed. In this situation, the reprogramming function must be in RAM. – On some STM8 devices, it is possible to execute from RAM and to disable the Flash, thus creating a very low-power mode. The Raisonance STM8 compiler toolchain integrates some features that facilitate the development of functions executed from RAM. An application note has been published to help you take advantage of this feature. You can download it from the Raisonance Web site. Regards, Bruno Richard (from Raisonance)2011-05-17 6:04 AM
Thank you Bruno,
Here below the reference and the link to download it: AN56-Executing functions from RAM with STM8.pdf (228Ko) http://www.mcu-raisonance.com/index.php?alias=mcu_downloads&insidefile=page-support.html regards mozra