2022-02-24 2:01 AM
Development environment:
1. windows 10 X64
2.en.stm32cubeprg-win64_v2-9-0 and CubeProgrammer_API.dll
3.qt mingw x64
1."My install path"\ST-CubeProgrammer\api\project\Qt\STM32CubePrgAPI this example project works fine
2.getDfuDeviceList() function call is normal and the USB DFU device can be obtained
3.connectDfuBootloader(dfuList[0].usbIndex) function call fails, no matter what I try I can't fix it
2022-03-24 7:35 AM
Hello @arilink,
Thank you for your feedback,
Can you share with us the device you are using so that we can reproduce the issue.
Best regards,
2023-12-05 10:51 AM
I am seeing the same failure calling connectDfuBootloader(dfuList[0].usbIndex). It always fail.
I am using a STM32F072RB MCU in STM Bootloader DFU mode and the call to getDfuDeviceList() does return what is expected. I am running the ST USB example as is and would have expected it to work.
I am using version v2.15.0 of the API.
Was the explanation for this issue?
Kind regards,
2023-12-20 3:23 AM
Hello @cuwittrock ,
Sorry for the delayed reply. This issue has already been raised and is under investigation by CubeProgrammer's Development team.