2021-07-05 6:18 PM
The uninstaller.bat uses a temporary folder like:
set tmp_dir="C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\MX-JRE-%random%%random%"
Which on my computer becomes like:
"C:\Users\HP 8460p1\AppData\Local\Temp\MX-JRE-73025091"
Then it tries to use xcopy with this path, which does not work. The installer quits prematurely with the message "Invalid number of parameters".
Please fix.
A workaround is to edit the .bat file and hardcode the tmp_dir to some other location which does not contain any spaces.
2021-07-15 2:15 AM
Hello @iforce2d ,
Thanks for your post,
I checked it from my side, and yes, you're right! As a workaround, I propose you to use first way mentioned in UM under "3.2.3 Uninstalling STM32CubeMX standalone version".
Thank you for raising this issue to our attention, it will be fixed :)