2015-12-27 10:31 AM
STM32CubeMX is very useful program.
Only too slow, on my computers.Each click is delaying work on a lot of seconds.My computers use AMD Athlon & E1 processors.This is not enough? What should I do?Everything happens for so long that it impossible to work!Thank you. #stm32cubemx2015-12-27 11:28 AM
The E1's have some pretty horrific performance numbers, I like AMD, but a lot of their low-end offerings in the last year or two have been non-competitive.
A six year old off-lease Intel box costing a few hundred dollarshttp://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Xeon+E5530+%40+2.40GHz&id=1244
2015-12-28 11:06 AM
Yes it is not the best processors. But other programs work well.
It may be a problem in the interpretation of Java, these processors.Although Eclipse works well. This is strange. Thank's.2015-12-28 2:30 PM
Well I suspect it's a combination of JVM, and the priority being the speed in coding rather than execution. I don't think we're dealing with algorithm guys, or any QA being done on sub-optimal hardware.
I do a lot of my work on AMD Netbooks (C50/C60) which are very convenient, run Win7 x64 with 8GB, and have virtualization. Not rockets, but serviceable and grab-n-go type devices. An Apple Air device would be ideal if it wouldn't get broken or stolen. I once tried to use Atmel Studio on them, and it was just awful. Realistically any of this ''scripted'' stuff is going to need an A8 or better.2015-12-29 6:39 AM
Very sorry. Buy a new computer for a single application, it is too much.
Thank you.