2020-12-07 10:47 AM
I write this as bugreport for IDE.
In my project i need start TochGFXINIT on other place as MX generated code do.
Then in STM32CubeMX v5.6 i use comment out it after every generate code.
Im happy with STM32CubeMX v6.0 i use checkbox in MX and call to function isnt generated URAA, but
next update STM32CubeMX v6.1 i 1.5.0 IDE and now checkbox again not working and call is generated allways
2020-12-07 11:08 PM
Hello @MM..1
Can you please explain more your problem ?
Which check-box are you talking about ?
2020-12-08 8:17 AM
2020-12-10 1:49 AM
If I understood you correctly, when you check the checkbox mentioned in the attached screenshot, save the project then re-open it, you find it unchecked, right?
Please share your ioc file, Khouloud
2020-12-10 7:30 AM
Yes correctly and in main i have
/* USER CODE END SysInit */
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
but last MX_TouchGFX_Init(); i need set to no generate, that is impossible.
2020-12-11 1:36 AM
Thanks for your feedback, issue reproduced and it will be fixed.
2020-12-11 9:45 AM
Date of fix? :grinning_face_with_sweat: @Khouloud ZEMMELI
We can continue with diff/bug here. TouchGFX 4.13 used with latest compatible MX/IDE . MCU 469 . LCD DSI 480x1280 24bit 33MHz PXC.
Double buffer in external SDRAM dedicated only for ltdc
OK GUI. I add image progress bar from standart style medium. In screenhandletick update value and image is corrupted on every value change.
I remove provided style and use my image for bar without background image and all work ok. Horizontal or vertical same issue.
same GUI migrated to 4.15 and all fade in/out produce around fading parts same refresh corruption as in issue 1
I see 4.15 have rewrited parts of code generated by TouchGFX around ltdc , seems work slower and less stable as 4.13.
Can i handle this myself? Or i need wait to 4.16?