2020-08-13 4:08 AM
We used to define STM32 pinout in STM32CubeMx since it's aware of all the possiblilities of the MCU.
Then we manually need to transfer the pnout into Altium Designer Schematic. And to keep those in sync when design changes.
So we want to automate that step if possible.
Thus the question: How can I Import pinout generated from STM32CubeMx into Altium Designer Schematic.
2020-08-13 9:55 AM
you can write a script for Altium designer. Read .ioc file and extract pin information. It is complicated but possible. please inform us If you have success to do this
2022-10-19 10:36 PM
Although this thread is 2 years old i want to ask if somebody managed import .ioc files to Altium?
2024-05-16 7:15 AM
One year and a half after last post, I too would like to know if somebody manage to make the link between .ioc and Altium?