2014-03-12 2:17 PM
I am trying to use the STM32CubeMX tool to select and generate initialization code for the encoder interface. I am using the Discovery board (STM32F407VGT) and trying to configure timer 5, but not sure how to get it to allow me to select this interface. It is grayed out and not sure how to resolve it. Anyone been able to do this? Also there does not seem to be an motor encoder example using the new HAL layer, if any one can point me to one, to would be helpful.
Thanks #motor-encoder #st32cubemx2014-03-13 2:26 AM
2014-03-13 3:36 AM
In your specific case , as the encoder uses CH1 and CH2 inputs ,you should let both TIM5 Channel 1 and Channel 2 as ''Disabled'' and use another channel for the input capture fonction you would need. regards