2023-11-19 7:11 AM
Do we have any example showing us getting data from serial and visualising it on the line chart?
So I started exploring stm32cubemonitor. First I tried this configuration by reading directly variable register but it didn't work for me, i was getting 0 values and line charts don't make sense in this case.
I build my application on zephyrOS. So the issue may be because of that. But anyway, I dont have time to figure it out now. So I decided to move getting data from serial comport and show it on the line chart but I couldn't find any examples
here is my basic flow, but I know it is not easy like this above, so First I checked the data structures chart node can accept and visualise it. And it is:
The following example shows an input msg for a chart node for the variable "var1" :
{ "topic":"data", "payload": { "groupname": "groupname1", "variablename": "var1", "variabledata": [ { "x": "0", "y": "1231" }, { "x": "1", "y": "12" }, { "x": "2", "y": "3615" } ] } }
So I am printing out exactly in this structure but I cant still see anything on the chart. So can anyone shed some light on how to fix it? An example would be nice.
2023-11-29 9:17 AM
Hello @z�?en
Your msg payload is a string, whilst line chart expect an JSON object. You should try to inject with this: