2023-08-30 5:52 AM
I use the USB Host library in some project with STMCUBEIDE , the processor is STM32F779AIYx.
The code generator use USB host library 1.0 that have one bug at the line 561 , I must replace this line only time that update my code.
I see that there is a new library 3.1 to Github but I don't konow how is possible update the CubeIde library.
In the Library managment this library is not update.
There is some way to fix?
2023-08-30 2:43 PM
If you want to try the new version of the USB "middleware", just save the current library aside and copy the new version in its place. Unfortunately the IDE won't do this automatically. People also use version control tools to fork and patch the Cube "firmware packages".
2023-09-18 12:38 AM
I'm surprise that the development team don't correct this bugs and the versions of libraries, this mode lose time of development and can be prefer other platform.