2020-09-17 9:59 PM
When i try to build a previously working project, the build process just sort of hangs. If it does complete, it won't let me debug.
The error code for debug is related to ST link server. I have ensured that ST Link server is properly installed.
The issue first appeared when i upgraded to 1.4.2. But after seeing this issue, i removed the app and installed 1.4.0, but the issue remains.
Steps tried (and didn't work):
Switch workspaces. Migrate projects. Restart OS. Clean and Build project.
2020-09-17 11:59 PM
I was able to build the project after upgrading from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2.
Then i gave my laptop a sleep cycle (Closed lid - opened after a while) and it stopped building again. It won't even let me stop the build process. Just stuck at 'Building workspace 100%'. I have to force quit the application.
Another interesting observation is that after i re-launched the IDE and opened the project, the default status is 'Building workspace 100%'. and its just stuck.
[Update 2]
I had another folder in the IDE which had 3 imported projects. Removed them and restarted IDE. Build and Debug are worked once. After that stopped working again.
On another note: I cannot close the IDE normally. I have to open the activity monitor and force quit every time.
2020-09-18 1:21 AM
So what is the status now? It worked once and now it has stopped?
Could you send me the workspace log located in $workspace/.metadata/.log ?
2020-09-18 1:23 AM
What was the error with STLink server you had previously trying to debug ?
Try to use the STM32CubeIde v1.4.0 installer package to have the STLink server installed properly and then update to the latest STM32CubeIDe version v1.4.2.
Before that, maybe uninstall CubeIde and STLink server if you have a previous version.
2020-09-18 9:43 AM
2020-09-18 9:49 AM
Let me recap.
I had STM32CubeIDE version 1.3.1 -> Upgraded to 1.4.2 -> Didn't work (Tried installing ST-Link server separately as well)
Uninstalled 1.4.2.
Installed 1.4.0 (installed ST-Link server as well) -> Didn't work -> Upgraded to 1.4.2 -> Build + debug worked once -> Now it builds (I can load the hex file and confirm the changes) but it gets stuck after first build so I can't check if I can debug.
2020-09-21 5:08 AM
Hmm, that was a pretty short workspace log. I couldn't read too much about what the issue could be.
If you right click the project and choose "Clean Project" and then try to build again, does it behave differently?
Also, since the workspace log didn't give me too much to go on... could you try to send me the .ide.log as well? It's located in the same directory as the workspace log.