2022-04-05 05:31 AM
I am trying to run the examples from the example selector is STM32 Cude IDE, to display snapshot or continuous shot (using B-CAM-OMV and OV5640) on the screen of STM32H747I-Disco. Do I need to modify these examples?
These examples can be found in the Example selector section, using the broad filter STM32H747I, and look for DCMI examples.
I also try to run the example of FP-AI-VISION, which is specifically for B-CAM-OMV and STM32H747I_Disco, it does turn on the screen but doesn't display or store the camera images.
FP-AI-VISION File: https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-expansion-packages/fp-ai-vision1.html
Do I need to modify these examples to be able to run them?