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STM32H735 Quad SPI External Flash Macronix MX25L12835F

Associate III


I have a board contains STM32H735 MCU and external flash macronix MX25L12835F (only capable of quad spi interface).

This board is also LCD controller based on touchGFX and the external flash suppose to contain the GUI assets,

Therefor external loader must exists for the the image flashing.

Is it possible to work with such board altough according AN4760 the STM32H735 supports only octo spi interface?



Yes, should be possible to run QuadSPI memories off the H72x / H73x / H7Ax / H7Bx devices with OctoSPI interfaces.

Implementation is board/pin specific, people also tend to go for larger memories

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ST Employee

Hello @dgold.1,

The OCTOSPI provides a flexible hardware interface, that enables the support of multiple hardware configurations: Single-SPI (legacy SPI), Dual-SPI, Quad-SPI, Dual-quad-SPI and Octo-SPI. Please take a look at this  FAQ: Does OctoSPI interface support QuadSPI memories?

For more information about OCTOSPI configuration, I advise you to refer to AN5050 and precisely section 6.2 OCTOSPI configuration with STM32CubeMX. This sections provides an  Quad-SPI PSRAM in Regular-command protocol example connected to an OCTOSPI interface.

Thank you.


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Do you have a pin enumeration for your board?


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