2020-01-15 10:42 PM
I just got a STM32H747I-DISCO board. When I try to debug it and load the code to it by using its internal ST-Link and STM32Cube IDE. It says : "Break at address "0xa05f0000" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."
And when there comes a little option( View Disassembly) that leads me to some assembly code. How can I fix it? I am just trying to make simple led blinking. To be honest I have no idea how to use this board. This is my first time with it, maybe I am trying to write codes to the wrong core? Or maybe the problem is in the debug properties. I am stuck with it. How can I fix it?
2020-01-15 10:50 PM
not sure but have seen this several times,
usually cleared by pulling the USB connector from the Disco board and then put it back in after 5 seconds.
do you see the stlink drive ? should be as large as the flash..
2020-01-15 10:53 PM
do you have a power supply ? is it stable?
can you check the 5V on a cro ?
2020-01-15 10:54 PM
I am using USB port of the board (ST-Link V3) I checked all the nodes, power is fine.
2020-01-15 10:55 PM
When I pull out the USB connector and then put it back. It gets fixed. Thank you for the help. But it is usually giving me the same error so I believe there must be a more stable way to fix it. Also time to time it is giving me "Failed to insert hardware breakpoints: You may have requested too many hardware breakponits/watchpoints" error. Eventhough I have no breakpoint.
2020-01-15 11:58 PM
Okay so I have figured out that it also gives "Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap." error. I believe that is related to GBD but ı don't know how to work with GBD in STM32.
2020-01-16 12:19 AM
GDB works very well in Visual Studio
try to delete all breakpoints.
try a better USB cable.
2020-01-16 12:32 AM
There are no breakpoints and I have tried it with 2 different USB cables.
2020-01-16 1:01 AM
try visual studio, how old is your machine ?
you at least 8G ram and I5 to be fast...
2020-01-16 1:02 AM
It's a new machine with 16 GB Ram and i7 9th gen. I don't need to use GBD though can I just change it? I couldn't find option to change GBD to normal debugger..