2021-09-27 7:49 AM
every time I try to create a new project by clicking on "Create a new STM32 project" or "Create a new STM32project from an existing STM32CubeMX configuration file" STM32CubeIDE crashes abruptly. After a few tries I caught the error message with a screenshot which is displayed for a fraction of a second right before it quits.
I found a few questions by other users with somewhat similar problems but no fix for any of them.
Regards, Felix
EDIT: I have added the second logfile .log to the attachments as well.
2023-06-06 10:46 PM
Hi Felix,
I think you installed both STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeMX. The issue which you got, like me when I update STM32CubeMX into new version.
The solution for this situation is:
I think update package downloaded but not install cause this problem.