2019-11-07 3:29 AM
STM32CubeIDE parser or indexer not working properly. Tested CubeIDE versions are 1.0.1 and 1.1.0.
Some Stm32 HAL library header files doesn't recognised as C header file and contents not accessible by IDE tools. I noticed some major issues when this happens:
On the screenshot you can see two of the header files seems like they are not C header file. No coloring and indexing working on files numbered 1 and 2 but file numbered 3 is recognized as regular file. Effected files are not static, they are changing on every time you open IDE.
On debug screen IDE can't monitor some peripherals in Live Expressions depending on which files affected by the bug. Example screenshot show TIM4 is known by debugger and can be added to Expressions bu somehow ADC1 is not accessible.
I put screen shots how i create sample project in PDF file and attached sample project.