2019-05-07 7:24 AM
Title says it all. I cannot create a new project - the model dialog for 'select STM32 target' is blank.
Freshly installed the from .deb_bundle.sh installer without errors.
Running Ubuntu 19.04 with vanilla gnome-session installed.
2019-05-08 5:42 AM
Just did a fresh install on my Ubuntu test computer and I don't experience the same thing.
Is it blank in that you don't see any MCU/boards selected or does the MCUFinder not show anything at all? Could you take a screenshot and also paste the workspace log located at $workspace/.metadata/log ?
2019-05-11 3:00 AM
Under windows, there was a lengthy (relatively) download of some files before the 'select stm32 target' appeared and I could easily set up a blank project for my 746GDiscovery, which worked straight away right down to debug stepping.
This download appears to be attempted occasionally under ubuntu19.04, but often is so brief i couldnt take a screenshot. See:
Note, the eclipse internal internet browser does have access to the internet.
This is what is displayed, where there should be a bunch of project config stuff. Sorry for the rotated photos, they were right way up on my PC.
I will reboot into ubuntu and grab the log file you asked for.
2019-05-11 3:18 AM
@Markus GIRDLAND I assume this is the log you wanted. ~/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.0.0/.metadata/.log
The others did not appear to have anything interesting in them, just redirects to this log file.
I captured the log file right after relaunching the IDE and selecting start new stm32 project.
2019-05-14 5:31 AM
I believe you might have to resize/move/hover over the MCUFinder window to make it draw. I've seen some (not as serious as this) similar window issues and then a resize of the window has helped for me. We're working on improving the integration of CubeMX and MCUFinder even further.
2019-05-14 9:51 AM
I will try again, but this was the first thing I tried, as I noticed it was quite large for a modal dialog. I wasn't able to push it draw anything.
2019-05-16 8:19 AM
I could not get it to draw anything.
I deleted my workspace and relaunched. This time it downloaded some files and presented the gui. i think somehow if it fails this download process it is getting into a state where it doesnt try again.
2019-05-17 2:21 AM
Hello all, I'm using Fedora 29, and the STM32 Target Selector windows is blank if I use the Gnome on Wayland session, but it draws correctly if I use Gnome on XOrg or Gnome Classic session. The same happens with the newly released Fedora 30.
I hope someone can guess why it is not possible to use Wayland session.
2019-05-17 2:34 AM
I just discovered that the Target Selector works correctly forcing x11 in a Wayland session: just start the ide prepending the GDK_BACKEND=x11 directive.
Hope this helps someone !
2019-07-08 11:08 PM
Helped me! Thanks.
Here is some detail for those new to Linux:
$ export GDK_BACKEND
$ /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.0.1/stm32cubeide # this is the default location I got on Fedora 30. Would have been nice if the install docs told name and location.