2022-03-24 2:27 AM
2022-03-28 2:12 AM
Hello there!
Do you have English as the default language of the operating system?
If you create a new workspace is it named the same thing? Is this the first time you've encountered this problem? Did you have this problem in previous versions of STM32CubeIDE but it started showing up in 1.9.0?
Any additional information would be appreciated!
2022-03-28 6:52 PM
I am using Windows 10, and I am currently working in Korea, so the Windows display language is English and the App display language set is Korean.
I think this happened after I recently updated Windows 10.
I deleted STM32CubeIDE and reinstalled it with version 1.9.0, but this did not solve the problem.
This problem seems to be caused by a codepage conflict in Windows, so I solved it by setting both the Windows display language and App display language to 'Korean'.
However, for all other software such as ArduinoIDE, there is no problem at all even if the Windows display language and the application display language are different.
I still want to use English as the Windows display language.
I hope STM32CubeIDE doesn't have any problems like other software.
2023-05-15 6:55 AM
I have the same issue. Unlike @BSalt.1, the language setting change does not seem to fix it. I am using the latest 1.12.1 version.
2023-08-25 3:15 PM
I have a similar issue. Just downloaded and newly install STM32cube with the problem happening from the beginning. Created 3 different projects and same issue.
I did notice well before installing the IDE that after a W10 update my system text changed slightly to different to what was the usaly system text across adobe, outlook etc.
My language is all set to English. I'm wandering if the problem is related to not having the correct system text loaded on my computer?
If anyone has any ideas would be appreciated.