2019-05-13 2:48 AM
2019-05-13 7:58 AM
Could you give some more details?
Are you trying to download it through CubeIDE? Do you get an error and if so what? Can you download other files? Do you have a connection if you try your connection through CubeIDE?
Any additional details and screenshots would be really helpful.
2019-05-13 8:24 AM
Hello Markus,
I put a screenshot into the "more details field" in the question. I was already able to download other files with CubeMX (for F3, F4, F7). I tried to download the newest version for F4 with CubeIDE and CubeMX. Both failed with an error message. The .zip was already downloaded and unzipped. But the reconnection to the host runs into time out.
2019-05-13 8:30 AM
Anything you attached to the top post is not visible to other users. Suggest you edit the post, and use the mountain/sun icon to add the image.
ST has had chronic problems with their servers ability to deliver files for download, CubeMX also fails if the hard drive is full, and the repository eats a lot of disc space, a 1GB download can take upward of 3GB on the drive. Delete things you don't need.
Here is a mirror of V1.24.0
and V1.24.1 patch/delta
2019-05-13 11:58 PM
Thanks a lot, that helped...