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lwip TFTP server server implementation with nucleo f429zi

Associate II


I want to implement TFTP server with nucleo f429zi. I had completed up to ethernet port detection on nucleo f429zi using ping cmd. Please suggest settings for TFTP in .IOC file and the provide help for firmware implementation.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III
Associate II


Now I'm trying to put the file into nucleo board using tftpd64 client. when I hit the PUT button on tftpd64 my program stops at hardfault error and file transmission halts at block#0. lwip implementation done successfully and verified using ping cmd. I want to download file from tftp client to sd card interfaced with nucleo. Kindly provide the solution.....


Now I'm trying to put the file into nucleo board using tftpd64 client. when I hit the PUT button on tftpd64 my program stops at hardfault error and file transmission halts at block#0. lwip implementation done successfully and verified using ping cmd. I want to download file from tftp client to sd card interfaced with nucleo. Kindly provide the solution.....