2020-06-04 12:25 PM
I try to flash an hoverboard MCU but after the first launch, it is impossible to connect again to the MCU. It is like it was damaged :'(
The MCU is a STM32F103RCT6 the project is configured with stm32f103rctx_flash.ld
It is the second board I fail, I am totally stuck.
Thanks for any help
2020-06-04 2:04 PM
Are you reassigning the SWDIO/SWDCLK pins? This will prevent ST-Link from being able to connect when your program is running.
If you hold the chip in reset (NRST low), it should be possible to connect with ST-Link.
2020-06-04 2:18 PM
Pulling BOOT0 HIGH will block flash code running, allowing you to recover.
Check your build for entering low power mode, or actively supressing/disabling the debug pins.
2020-06-05 9:07 AM
Victory !!
I succeed to connect to my board in the mode "Connect under target" with putting NRST to low and high.
I erase the memory and now I could connect in mode "Normal".
I guess it was the call to the function __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE() in HAL_MspInit() but why call this function in the blank program of STM32CubeIDE ?
Thanks a lot