2024-06-25 3:38 AM
Hey there. It is quite some time now that I've noticed strange behavior with live expressions.
I'm debugging my project in debug optimization "max" and -Og optimization. Debugger that I'm using is "STLINK-V3 compact in-circuit debugger and programmer for STM32".
I've taken a video where you can see the value of variables glitching. I've attached the video in the post*.
I've also noticed via oscilloscope that when debugger is connected there is noise coupling from debug lines to a comparator input of the MCU ( this seems to be separate issue but i believe that maybe they are connected ).
I did try all the different debug frequencies without any change in the above issues.
Can you suggest me to test anything else in order to find out a solution ?
Is there any documentation that I can take advantage of in order to study live expresions / SVW/ JTAG or debug best practices appliance ?!
Kind regards,
2024-06-25 3:39 AM
I forgot to add that the MCU that I'm using is the STM32WLE5CCU.