2024-11-17 3:16 AM
Hi ,
I am using the stm32f411VET MC board, now i implemented the code to check how LCKR
register work. This is the code which i implemented for that, but when i debugged it
the LCKR register bits has not set. Any one can help me.
* interfacing LED with PD12
#include <stdio.h>
// step - 1 : pointer variable for RCC_AHB1ENR
unsigned long int *pRCC_AHB1ENR = (unsigned long int*) 0x40023830;
// step - 2 : pointer variable for MODER
unsigned long int *pGPIOD_MODER = (unsigned long int*) 0x40020C00;
// step - 3 : pointer variable for ODR
unsigned long int *pGPIOD_ODR = (unsigned long int*) 0x40020C14;
unsigned long int *pGPIOD_LCKR = (unsigned long int*) 0x40020C1C;
int main()
// enabling the clock of GPIOD peripheral
*pRCC_AHB1ENR |= (1<<3);
// making the pin 12 as out put mode
// set the 24th bit
*pGPIOD_MODER |= (1<<24);
// clear the 25th bit
*pGPIOD_MODER &= ~(1<<25);
*pGPIOD_LCKR |= (1 << 12);
*pGPIOD_LCKR |= (1 << 16);
*pGPIOD_LCKR &= ~(1 << 16);
*pGPIOD_LCKR |= (1 << 16);
uint32_t tmp = *pGPIOD_LCKR;
tmp = *pGPIOD_LCKR;
// set the 24th bit
*pGPIOD_MODER &= ~(1<<24);
// clear the 25th bit
*pGPIOD_MODER &= ~(1<<25);
// making pin high using ODR
*pGPIOD_ODR |= (1<<12);
return 0;