2024-11-02 2:18 PM
I am developing a program to enable the USART3 (initially as a UART) of the STM32H755 (NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q) and use it to transmit information through the functions "__io_putchar" and "printf" but it does not work. At first I thought it was an error in the baud rate calculation, I searched the reference manual and understood that the default clock after the reset is 64Mhz, through the HSI, I made the change, but it still does not work. Here is the file with the settings and functions:
#include <stdint.h>
#include "stm32h755xx.h"
#define SYS_FREQ_64M 64000000 // sys_ck -> 64MHz
#define APB1L_CK SYS_FREQ_64M
#define UART_BAUDRATE 115200
void UART3_tx_Init(void)
RCC->AHB4ENR |= RCC_AHB4ENR_GPIODEN; // habilita o clock no GPIOD (PD9 - RX)
GPIOD->MODER &= ~(0b11 << 18); // limpa os campos do PD9
GPIOD->MODER |= (0b10 << 18); // seta o PD9 no modo alternativo
GPIOD->AFR[1] &= ~(0xF << 4); // limpa os campos do PD9
GPIOD->AFR[1] |= (0b0111 << 4); // seta o PD9 no modo alternativo 7
// configura a usart 3
RCC->APB1LENR |= RCC_APB1LENR_USART3EN; // habilita o clock pra usart 3
uart3_set_baudrate(APB1L_CK, UART_BAUDRATE); // configura o baudrate
USART3->CR1 = CR1_TE_EN; // configura a direcao de transferencia TX
USART3->CR1 = CR1_UE_EN; //habilita o modulo uart
uint16_t calc_uart_baud_rate(uint32_t clock_periferico, uint32_t baudrate)
return ((clock_periferico + (baudrate/2U))/baudrate);
void uart3_set_baudrate(uint32_t clock_periferico, uint32_t baudrate)
USART3->BRR = calc_uart_baud_rate(clock_periferico, baudrate);
void uart3_write(int ch)
while(!(USART3->ISR & ISR_TXE)); // garante que o registrador de transmissao esta vazio
USART3->TDR = (ch &0xFF); // grava no registrador de transmissao
int __io_putchar(int ch)
return ch;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-11-02 3:34 PM
Watch the clock enable hazard when subsequently writing to the peripheral
USART3_TX is PD8, not PD9
Test uart3_write() independently of printf(), putchar(), etc
2024-11-02 3:34 PM
Watch the clock enable hazard when subsequently writing to the peripheral
USART3_TX is PD8, not PD9
Test uart3_write() independently of printf(), putchar(), etc