2022-11-08 2:49 AM
2022-11-08 3:00 AM
Maybe using makefiles? https://stm32-base.org/concepts/makefiles.html
2022-11-08 3:16 AM
Hi javier
I followed steps according to site But some files are missing which are mentioned below.
1) Start up file for STM32 G0(Location STM32-base/STM32-base/startup)
2) comman.mk file for STM32 G0(Location STM32-base/STM32-base/make)
Yes in addition i found this statement on site.
"Note: These devices are not yet released. The mapping is a guess based on the mapping available for the STM32G070, STM32G071, and STM32G081 mappings."
Is there any way that i can get those missing files?
Thank you javier
2022-11-09 12:42 AM
>Is there any way that i can get those missing files?
id say you could find the startup file inside the firmware package of your device, they have .s extension.
about the common.mk file ia m clueless.
Maybe someone else has more experience than me with this, i dont have specific experience makefiling stm32