2020-11-19 5:16 AM
2020-11-19 5:37 AM
Hi NTaha.1,
You can easily imagine that we can't commit on any milestones, anyway the community has to be aware of the existence of an internal initiative to support setups based Apple M1. Or well, first to provide a more precise answer :)
2020-11-19 5:40 AM
thanks, i'll waite :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
2020-11-19 8:04 AM
Eclipse first ... STM32CubeIDE then I guess ...
2020-12-30 7:36 AM
Yes, it works fine, using Rosetta. I tested version 1.5 and board Discovery STM32F411
2021-01-04 12:08 AM
Hi ABrun,
Good to know that it is working for you.
Any pre-requisite I need to take care for it to work? Xcode etc.
Am using M1 Mac Mini.
Thanks for the info.
2021-01-04 2:14 AM
It worked immediately out of the box, I was surprised. It was one of the first programs that I installed. I don't have xcode yet, so I don't think you need anything else. To say the truth, most of the software I use works pretty well in the M1.