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Fault input for HRTIM is configured as output??

Associate III

Hi, I am working with the HRTIM in the STM32G474 Nucleo and trying to configure the fault input to reset the outputs.

When I see in the GPIO config of the HRTIM in the STM32CubeIDE I see that the fault input pin HRTIM_FLT1 is configured as Alternate Function Push Pull and if I use a 220 ohm resistor (to prevent a short circuit) in the HRTIM_FLT1 pin and also measure the input, it still 0V. It seems that the input is... not an input :\

Also in the attached code I see that  pTimerCfg.FaultEnable = HRTIM_TIMFAULTENABLE_NONE, and I think it should be HRTIM_TIMFAULTENABLE_FAULT1, it is right?

Also in the registers I can see that FLTxR = 0 and it should be 1:

Bit 0 FLT1EN: Fault 1 enable

0: Fault 1 input ignored

1: Fault 1 input is active and disables HRTIM outputs

What I am doing wrong?

The HRTIM initialization code is attached