2021-02-19 10:22 PM
This IIRC was already reported but still not fixed in v.1.5.1...
In settings Convert to binary and Show size information are checked, but these actions do not work after successful build.
In Atollic it works fine.
I've tried both STM32 2018 and 2020 toolchains.
Also checked conversion to hex, S-record, verilog - nothing of these created.
-- pa
P.S. Also, after Atollic, it is annoying that in CubeIDE backslashes in Windows filenames are printed doubled in the console:
arm-none-eabi-gcc "..\\..\\Src\\foo.c" -mcpu=cortex-m7 ....
Is this in compiler or Eclipse CDT console?
2021-02-20 12:16 AM
Setup sounds good (default one by the way). Works on my side based on 1.5.1looking at build console:
2021-02-20 12:19 AM
By the way I've no '\\' ... but mutli OS compliant '/' despite relying on Windows OS what's good !
If '\\' I guess part of your project setup (see include paths definition etc ... as part of build settings or just look at your .cproject file content)
2021-02-27 8:49 AM
CubeIDE update to 1.6.0 has not fixed the post-build outputs issue for me. Still post-build conversions do not run.
Had to make a script to do post-build conversions and create .list.
Printing double back slashes on Windows is fixed.
-- pa