2020-10-24 3:47 AM
I'm evaluating whether we could use CubeIDE for teaching Computer Architecture and Organization courses at the university?
We would like to teach some basics of assembly language on ARM... And I 'm not sure whether we can do that (are there any examples) ?
We know that we can use CubeIDE for real projects with HW and it would be a great bonus to be able to teach basics of assembly with the same tool .
2020-10-24 7:01 AM
Sure. All CubeMX generated projects contain a startup file in assembly. You could delete everything else and just put your code in there.
Not sure there are many existing assembly examples out there. It's not just common to use assembly except maybe for short snippets of code that you need to run fast.
2020-11-16 12:24 PM
You should look this link.
I hope it will help.