2021-02-17 5:09 PM
There are many dialog boxes within the IDE which do not update properly as you change settings in Mac OS. These include the Manage Configurations dialog, the Symbols tab of the Paths and Symbols dialog box (they don't update as you change configurations), and the Load Image and Symbols pane of the Startup Tab of the Debug configurations dialog box. I'm sure there are others. Because the problems are pervasive, I suspect a common root cause.
I'm running 1.5.1. I'm also running Big Sur, but I remember at least some of this happening before the Big Sur update, so I don't think these problem are new. I'm running a 4K monitor.
A related question. Can one update the underlying Eclipse and CDT versions of STM32CubeIDE as a separate operation, in order to see whether the most recent versions fix the problems? It seems pretty clear to me that the problems are with Eclipse and CDT and not with the ST add ons.
2021-02-18 12:21 AM
2021-02-18 8:04 AM
I wrote that other post as well. These are two separate issues.