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What is the maximum data rate of emmc can have with STM32MP15?

Associate III
  1. My eMMC for my custom board support HS200 so I/O should be 1.8V, does STM32MP15 supports this speed and what is the max data rate?
  2. I will be only using eMMC for booting (no SD card or any kind of boot device) so should I go with STPMIC1A or STPMIC1B?
  3. Which output should I use of the PMIC's for the eMMC since it is going to be the only booting device it should be powered up properly at the start?
ST Employee

Hi @Gencay​ ,

1) please have a look to ES0438, there is a limitation for eMMC. DDR52 could be either use VDD=3.3V or 1.8V.

0693W00000SvaAhQAJ.png2) See previous, STPMIC1A is tailored for VDD=3.3V whereas STPMIC1B is for VDD=1.8V. It depend also on other external components IO voltages. VDD=3.3V is more usual unless absolutely needed.

3) See examples in AN5031 or STM32MP157F-EV1 as well as AN5089 or AN5260


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