2019-11-07 1:08 AM
ST is please to announce the st-android-9.0.0-2019-09-27 tag compatible with Android 9.0.0 (Pie).
Main software component versions :
· Android version v9.0.0 (AOSP android-9.0.0_r46 tag)
· Kernel version v4.19.49 (AOSP common kernel) + updates for STM32MP1 and associated boards (waiting upstream finalization)
· TF-A version v2.0 + updates for STM32MP1 and associated boards (waiting upstream finalization)
· U-Boot version v2018.11 + updates for STM32MP1 and associated boards (waiting upstream finalization)
· OP-TEE version v3.3.0 + updates for STM32MP1 and associated boards (waiting upstream finalization)
· STM32CubeMP1 FW v1.1.0
· GCC version v8.2
· openOCD version v0.10.0
· GCnano version v6.2.4
ST want to warn that this delivery is provided as demonstrator/enabler with following limitation/restriction :
- No Android CTS/VTS qualification
- No performance optimization
- Productization only through partner
The recommended configuration:
Display @480p
DDR32bit 1GB
The STM32MP15X-EVAL includes by default a display @720p, which has impacts on performances.
Customer should not expect same level of performance than with an OctoCore at 2Ghz + High end GPU .
The Andoid AOSP aim to make application in adequation with platform usage target (typically not smartphone UI like application)
Production is only supported by our partner program: (https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/partner/partner-program/partnerpage.html.