2021-10-06 4:22 AM
Is it possible to use the STMCUBE expansion for IOTA on STM32MP157DK-2 or is there anyway to use IOTA client libraries.
I tried installing the Python library but it would not install.
I have the STM32CubeExpansion_IOTA1_V2.0.0 but do not know how to run it on STM32MP157DK-2 or cross compile it for this kit.
2021-10-08 12:08 AM
Hi @ADesh.6 ,
Not clear to me if you want to use IOTA on A7/Linux side or M4/Cube side ?
2021-10-08 4:03 AM
I am trying on A7/Linux currently, but I am ok even if it works on M4/Cube side
2021-10-08 8:53 AM
Hi @ADesh.6 ,
STM32CubeExpansion_IOTA1_V2.0.0 is definitely for HAL Cube .. so the M4, but I don't know if integration is smooth on MP1.
For A7/linux world I would rather suggest to have a look to what Ledger provide for integration with Yocto :
Hope it help,