2022-05-31 11:32 AM
For generating the I2C5 init code, I took the I2C4 discovery kit example and modified it accordingly.
Unlike in I2C4, I see the banks of the I2C_DATA and I2C_CLK are different
I2C5: ( GPIOz and GPIO D)
for I2C4 (GPIOZ):
in the I2C4 code generation, there was this critical section code which is present around the CLK and DATA , since in I2C4 both the gpio banks are same, there was this code,
/* Configure I2C Tx, Rx as alternate function */
gpio_init_structure.Pin = DISCO_I2C4_SCL_PIN | DISCO_I2C4_SDA_PIN;
HAL_GPIO_DeInit(DISCO_I2C4_SCL_SDA_GPIO_PORT, gpio_init_structure.Pin);
but for I2C5 does it has to be changed for both the GPIO Banks of CLock and data?Is it mandatory?
Please advice.
2022-06-10 07:31 AM
Hi @PVaaz.1 ,
BSP_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION is an abstraction to Periph_Lock / HSEM.
It prevent simultaneous access from A7 and M4 world at same time.
It's recommended to apply it properly