2019-08-31 12:07 AM
I have 4 questions if you have time to answer, I would appreciate it very much.
thanks in advance
2019-09-02 12:59 AM
Based on my experience, there are multiple issues with st-example-image-qt. Hence my question in this forum. Hope someone more knowledgeable will be able to answer it.
2019-09-02 5:06 AM
Hi @IYetk
The st-example-image-qt is provided with many samples code all in /usr/share/examples
You need to do :
root@stm32mp1:~# psplash-drm-quit
root@stm32mp1:~# export QT_QPA_EGLFS_ALWAYS_SET_MODE="1"
Prior to execute them to release DRM KMS resources.
I will try to come back with few hints for other points but please be aware of the following ST support strategy for QT image :
The OpenSTLinux distribution offers the possibility to use an example of an image based on the QT framework (st-example-image-qt) as a demonstrator, not for developing products. For Qt-based products, the list of STMicroelectronics partners can be found on STMicroelectronics web site.
2019-09-02 5:12 AM
You can start with all the posts related to QT on that forum, simply click on "QT" tag: https://community.st.com/s/topic/0TO0X000000y2iTWAQ/qt
2019-09-02 7:12 AM
ok thank you,
I stay tuned for your further hints