2020-09-15 2:27 AM
I would like to disable bluetooth & USB-OTG from the distribution package. I have removed Usbgadget,usbip, bluetooth,bluez5 from the distribution and also try to remove it from the local.conf file by using PACKAGE_EXCLUDE ="" but somehow its still built in the image.
I have tried to search all the packages inlcuded in my image using this command
bitbake -g image_name && cat pn-buildlist | grep -ve "native" | sort | uniq
and some of the packages which i excluded in the local.conf file is still there. One of the package is "linux-firmware-bluetooth-bcm4343". This package is coming from the machine. can i remove it somehow using local.conf?
I have also tried it using bitbake menuconfig..
after all the configurations i generatedthe fragment.cfg with.
bitbake -c diffconfig virtual/kernel
Then i make a .bbappend file in recipes-kernel/linux directory and bitbake my image.
Now the problem is that all the configuration which i did is reset to the default everytime for some reason. how can i make the configuration permanent ?
2020-09-29 8:42 AM
Hi @Hsn ,
The best way to customize Yocto distribution at this level is to create your own machine.
In layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/conf/machine, you will find two machines :
Bluetooth is easily configurable through MACHINE_FEATURES variables.
So, in your case, the following lines have to be commented:
#MACHINE_FEATURES += "bluetooth"
#BLUETOOTH_LIST += "linux-firmware-bluetooth-bcm4343"
Then, inside the layer which contains your machine, you can also add a recipe which contains the .bbappend of your kernel.