2020-04-27 1:10 PM
I would like to use the I2C_EXT channel on the EV1. The only devices in STLinux are /dev/i2c-1, /dev/i2c-2
We are evaluating for purpose of supplanting development on R.Pi with something more industrial, like MP1.
2 things I want to accomplish:
1: have kernel / OS complete connection chain in order
what are the steps I need to take to make this happen?
2: use PYTHON SMBus to communicate to my devices
apt-get install does not find anything beyond low-level I2C utils prepackaged, so
what are the step I need to take to get SMBus in PYTHON operating?
2020-04-27 11:29 PM
please have a look to https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/I2C_overview. You need to update Device Tree in order to define I2C5 pins and mode.
You could first generate device tree by using CubeMx, starting from EV1 board and adding I2C5 in SMBus on correct pins. Then you have to adapt your device tree settings.
2020-04-28 5:06 AM
Patrick - Thanks for clarifying.
On the evaluation concept, I guess (re)learning this aspect of device bindings is a good exercise, I'm about 8 years out from my prior journey through this stuff.
But a comment on the concept of out-of-box demonstration of a product by an engineer to his upper management: it should just work. it's on the board, after all. (not a complaint, just saying ...)
I will go have some fun now. again, thanks for tips.
take care,