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Distribution package build: patch already applied



I am trying to get the X-LINUX-ISP expansion installed onto a MP257-DK board. I can not connect the board to a network at this time, so I have resorted to trying to build a distribution following the instructions here.

When I run bitbake, patches start to be applied and one of them fails, as shown here:

patch already appliedpatch already applied

 I am not familiar with build system being used here and have been unable to figure out where it is being given a list of patches to apply so that I can try and prevent the patch from being applied multiple times. I did attempt renaming the patch file to try and keep it from being found and applied, but that did nothing. I have been unable to find any series file that the Quilt command may be using.

If anyone could please point me in the right direction on what I need to do to avoid this error, that would be appreciated.

I am also curious about creating a distribution that will be flashed to eMMC. All the tutorials on the wiki assume the user is fine with flashing to the SD card. The pre-built starter packages have eMMC variants available, but I can not find any resource explaining what needs to be done to build a distribution to be flashed to eMMC. Is there any such resource? If not, can anyone point me in the right direction to start figuring that out?

Billy OWEN
ST Employee

Hi @EVess 


This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance.  We'll contact you directly.




Bernard PUEL
ST Employee


I could reproduce the same issue and the root cause comes from the ISP meta layer not updated for the latest OpenSTLinux release (v6.0.2).

New version of X-LINUX-ISP expansion layer will be pushed on github to be aligned with v6.0.2 (probably next week).

Meanwhile please take previous version:


For your Flash question, when you select your machine in Yocto distribution, It will generate all the config files (.tsv) to flash all the different memory of the selected board. So after build, you just need to select the right .tsv file corresponding to the memory you want to flash on your board.