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Colour mismatch while using RGB666 display

Associate III
Dear all,
we use custom board with STM32MP1 SoC onboard.  We use Yocto with OE, STM, Qt and custom layers for building target images.
In our device we utilize 7-inch display connected by LVDS with RGB666 wiring.  If I load bitmap image from U-boot, all colors are fine, so I suggest, display wiring is correct.  But if I load the same bitmap from Linux, some colors are spoiled.  For example, grey colors (like 0xA0A0A0 in RGB888) become green (attachment: grey.bmp is original bitmap, grey.jpg is a screen photo).  This is not a Qt issue, as I get the same result using Plymouth splash screen or Gstreamer tool for loading bitmap files. 
What might be the culprit ? Any help or hint is appreciated.