on 2023-05-17 4:33 AM
The LPBAM stands for low-power background autonomous mode. It is an operating mode available in the STM32U5 products series that allows peripherals to be functional and autonomous in Stop 2 mode independently from the device power modes without any software running.
Two major advantages result from using the LPBAM feature :LPGPIO example provided is not working @Sarra.S
@Sarra.S I have tried it with Nucleo board u575, when tried to debug. When the code reaches the
Hello @Gautham19
Make sure debug pins PA14 and PA13 are not set to analog.
Then reset your board and try stepping through the code
Hello @Sarra.S ,
Thanks for the debug pin configuration . I made changes with the Debug pin, it is set as analog earlier now I changed to Debug pin.
But the pin toggle is not working, it remains the same.
Hello @Sarra.S ,
I have configured LPGPIO_PIN_5 as output it is updated in LPGPIO1->MODER, but during run time the LPGPIO1->ODR, LPGPIO1->BSRR, LPGPIO1->BRR is not getting updated.