2020-12-02 1:08 AM
Hello Everyone,
I'm working with the I-Cube-LRWAN software for LoRa communication in class A device.
The device sends data every Tx_Dutycyle period but I have an issue with the software.
When using the stack connected to Network such as TTN, I notice the uplink counter reach a threshold after 65535 sent.
Then, It sends some random data and don't follow the data in the Send function.
Where can i change or renew the tx_counter to avoid this issue ? I don't know where i can found this. Furthermore, in "LoraMac.h" i can see in the following structure "typedef struct sMcpsConfirm" the following stuff :
* The uplink counter value related to the frame
uint32_t UpLinkCounter;
If it's a uint32_t, why there is a problem after 65535 value sent ?
here your can see an example of data sent with the counter at 65535 and the next one with a totally other payload and the counter at 0.
Then, all the following data are randomised by the software.
"dev_id": "xxxx"
"hardware_serial": "xxxxx",
"port": 2,
"counter": 65535,
"payload_raw": "CWcA/gpoTQsCH1QMAiTSDQIfCg7/AAAAD/8AAl4QfQAADxFn6D4SAgDb",
"metadata": {
"time": "2020-11-27T02:26:44.743301225Z",
"frequency": 868.3,
"modulation": "LORA",
"data_rate": "SF10BW125", ...
"dev_id": "xxxx",
"hardware_serial": "xxxxx",
"port": 2,
"counter": 0,
"payload_raw": "nNV0JDL2qpzGxKJwFCx42vfkUzNC/hb3KfmjaI9ZQg/K6Q6ahIv5CgKF",
"metadata": {
"time": "2020-11-27T02:31:44.878152859Z",
"frequency": 868.3,
"modulation": "LORA",
"data_rate": "SF10BW125",...
Hope you will help me.
Many thanks !