2019-04-10 9:51 PM
2019-04-23 3:13 AM
If you use STM32CubeMonitor-RF for 802.15.4 tests, the CLI firmware is copied in the "public documents" folder when the tool is installed (C:\Users\Public\Documents\STMicroelectronics\STM32CubeMonitor-RF\firmwares\Cli_Phy_802_15_4_M4.bin)
2019-04-23 3:38 AM
Thanks Stephane, I still have aproblem getting the demo to work. I program the following:
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=usb1 -fwdelete
stm32_programmer_cli.exe -c port=usb1 -w stm32wb5x_rfmonitor_phy802_15_4_fw.bin 0x080EA000
stm32_programmer_cli.exe -c port=usb1 -w Cli_Phy_802_15_4_M4.bin 0x08000000
This is on the MB1355C (pcb with Jtag). The STMCubeMonitor does not open the com port. When I connect a terminal program to the com port I get all characters echoed from the MB1355C board, but nothing else.
Am I loading the cli file incorrectly or missing something?
PS. I have 2 dev kits to do the testing with ie. 2 x MB1355C and USB dongles. Both Kits are doing the same.
2019-04-29 2:58 AM
I can share some hints :
The STM32CubeMonitor indicates an error if the port has been open and there is no response from the board. So it may be the software not working properly on your board.
The USB cable should be connected to the ST_LINK port of the board MB1355C, and the jumpers JP5 Rx Tx should be connected (default config)
The test with terminal program should work. The command "Version" should give reply : "PHY CLI version : 1.0"
(I have tested with MB1355C updated with firmware stack from STM32CubeWB 1.1.0.)
You can try to update the wireless stack software with this version (1.1.0). The detailed procedure to update the wireless stack is changed.
The procedure is described in Projects\STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries\Release_Notes.html.