2020-03-06 7:41 AM
in my application it should be possible to turn bluetooth on and off again completely.
Turning advertising off, doesn't do the trick, because devices which have been paired before can still connect.
Turning off the APB3 clock for BLE in the RCC_C2APB3ENR register works kind of, but not always. It is a very strange behaviour, where one can still connect to the device, even though the BLE clock is turned off. The register is not changed by anything else in the meanwhile,
Reseting the radio frequency system with RCC_APB3RSTR turns is off completely, but won't allow a re-initialization.
Probably there is an easy way, I haven't found yet.
Every help and hint will be highly appreciated. Thanks!
2020-03-27 4:20 AM
There is no much reason to turn off the radio. As long as it is not used, it will entered idle mode and will not drive any current so the power consumption is optimal.
You just need to make sure that you cancel/terminate all BLE activities that may have been started (advertising, scanning,...)
From the CPU1 you shall not write any C2 register as this may collide with CPU2 access.
In addition, most of these bits to reset the RF IP ere provided for debug purposes and are not used today inall our CPU1 BLE examples.