2023-10-14 10:56 PM
Hello to all. I am new to the STM32WL series and have been trying to implement the STOP2 mode and STANDBY mode (both with RTC enabled) for STM32WLE5JC, but have not been able to achieve the low current consumption that is expected of it. The datasheet shows current consumption of 1uA and 0.4uA respectively for STOP2 and STANDBY Modes respectively (with RTC enabled; VDD= 3V) , but mine has only been able to come down to 450uA for both modes, which is not even close to the datasheet.
I have implemented STOP2 from the code provided in the following link:
I am measuring the current consumption by using the Power Profiler Kit by Nordic. I have simply connected the Vout and Gnd of the Kit to 3.3V and Gnd of the board respectively. The current consumption in source meter mode is shown below.
I have also tried making changes into the code such as re-initialising the LED pin to Analog and disabling the clocks before entering STOP2 Mode, but have seen no changes in the current consumed.
2023-10-17 9:49 PM
Using the Ampere Mode of the Power Profiler Kit and supplying voltage to the STM board through USB has helped me reduce the STOP MODE current. But now the MCU seems to immediately wake up after entering stop mode.
I have disabled every interrupt except the RTC, as well as suspended Systick before entering sleep, but the problem still remains.