2023-03-05 2:32 AM
I am using an STM32WB55RCV6 with the full BLE stack.
During operation, I am updating some characteristics. Some at the push of a button, some scheduled with a timer.
Sometimes, unregularly, and only when the device is connected (to a smartphone), the following happens:
When I use the following function from custom_stm.c quite often
(this functionthen calls aci_gatt_update_char_value(...)),
the Characteristic is NOT updated and I get the return value "12".
The function usually works, but only once in a while, when I am updating a lot of values, I get this error code. It also only happens when the microcontroller is connected to another device (here: a smartphone). When this error occures, usually the next few times when I call Custom_STM_App_Update_Char(...), these functions also fail (same return code), but after a while, it works again and updates the characteristics properly.
The smartphone, that is connected, has "indicate" enable for the respective characteristics. I do not know if that might have anything to do with the return value.
Nowhere I found an explanation what this error code means. There are actually a lot of error codes defined in the ST libraries and I read the application notes for BLE (where they explain the function aci_gatt_update_char_value), but nowhere the error code 12 is explained.
Before I go into too much detail how my program is structured, I would just like to know what the error code 12 means. I mean, if there is an error code, it should have a meaning, right? I already spent quite some hours on this issue and I think knowing what the error code means would help me a lot.
Kind regards
2023-03-05 9:45 AM
/* Status codes */
/* Returned when the command has completed with success
/* The remote device in in the Blacklist and the pairing operation it requested
* cannot be performed.
/* CSRK not found during validation of an incoming signed packet
/* IRK not found (Currently not used)
/* A search for a specific remote device was unsuccessful because no entry
* exists either into NVM Database or in volatile database.
/* The security database is full and no more records can be added.
/* The remote device is not bonded, and no operations related to bonded devices
* may be performed (e.g. writing Gatt Client data).
/* The encryption key size used for encrypting the link is insufficient\n
/* The attribute handle is invalid.
/* There aren't sufficient Attributes handles available for allocation during
* creation of Services, Characteristics or Descriptors.
/* The requested GATT operation is not allowed in this context/status or using
* the provided parameters.
* This is a specific GATT error, different from generic Not Allowed error,
* because it refers to specific GATT specifications/rules.
/* The characteristic has already been added to the database.
/* The requested operation failed for a temporary lack of resources
* (e.g. packet pool or timers), but it may be retried later when resources may
* become available (packets or timers may have been released by other
* consumers).
/* Notification/Indication can't be sent to the requested remote device because
* it doesn't satisfy the needed security permission.
/* The address of the device could not be resolved using the IRK stored\n
/* Returned when no valid slots are available
* (e.g. when there are no available state machines).
/* The only slot available is not long enough to satisfy scan window request.
/* Returned when the maximum requested interval to be allocated is shorter
* then the current anchor period and there is no submultiple for the
* current anchor period that is between the minimum and the maximum requested
* intervals.
/* Returned when the maximum requested interval to be allocated is greater
* than the current anchor period and there is no multiple of the anchor
* period that is between the minimum and the maximum requested intervals.
/* Returned when the current anchor period or a new one can be found that
* is compatible to the interval range requested by the new slot but the
* maximum available length that can be allocated is less than the minimum
* requested slot length.
/* The Host failed while performing the requested operation.
/* Invalid parameters in Host commands
/* The Host is already processing another request received in advance.
#define BLE_STATUS_BUSY 0x93U
/* The operation requested cannot be completed immediately by the Host
* (usually because of lack of resources).
* The operation is generally put on hold by the caller and it's usually
* retried on later time.
/* The requested operation violates the logic of the called layer/function or
* the format of the data to be processed during the operation.
#define BLE_STATUS_ERROR 0x97U
/* The requested operation failed because of lack of memory.
* Out of memory shall be returned for situations where memory will never
* become available again (e.g. ATT database)
/* Returned when a timeout occurs at BLE application interface
None of these error codes matches the code "12"
2023-03-05 11:03 AM
Ok, after a lot of further testing I have come to the following conclusion:
The error code 12 means, that the device (client), that has activated indications for the specific charakteristic from the microcontroller (server), did not receive the update of said charakteristic. Error code 12 is not returned, when a) I only call update_char without a BLE client connected or b) when I deactivate "indicate" and activate "notify" (the difference between indicate and notify is, that with indicate the mikrocontroller gets a message from CPU2, if the characteristic was received correctly).
It would be cool if someone from ST could confirm that.
2023-03-14 11:44 AM
The error code "12" (e.g 0x0C) means command disallowed, the error codes list is available in AN5270 "Status error codes" part. In your case, when you are using indication, you should wait to receive the acknowledgment from client before sending a new indication. If you send the new indication before the acknowledgment, the aci_gatt_update_char_value command returns the error code "12".
Best Regards
2023-03-14 11:58 AM
thank you very very much for your response. This helps me a lot! I have actually still been struggling with some bugs. Now I know where to look.
I will do some reading on how to receive the acknowledgment but now I´m on track again.
Kind regards
2023-03-14 12:28 PM
I implemented void aci_gatt_server_confirmation_event( uint16_t Connection_Handle ){ ... } but it never gets called...
2023-03-15 11:29 AM
In custon_stm.c file, in Custom_STM_Event_Handler function, add the following lines:
You should have this event when the client has sent the confirmation to a previously sent indication.
Best Regards
2023-03-15 12:21 PM
thank you, this works like a charm.
So let me summarize:
If I have a BLE device (client) connected to the uC (server) and if the server indicates a char update, I have to wait for the acknowledge event, which the client will send to the server, if it received the char update.
I can check this event using the case ACI_GATT_SERVER_CONFIRMATION_VSEVT_CODE.
It seems, that sometimes an update char is just getting lost; I update the char but I never receive the confirmation and no more indications can be send, because the server did not receive the acknowledge of the previous char update.
Is there a way I can reset this? Is there a command that says "discard the last update char and don´t give me the error 12 when I do the next char update"? Or is CPU2 constantly trying to update the char and waiting till it gets the acknowledge and there is just something wrong with the connection?
2023-11-12 7:56 AM
ST and @Remy ISSALYS , I am Interested in the question as well,
What shall be the error handling in case a confirmation for Indication was not received?
2023-11-15 9:25 AM
Normally, this kind of situation should not happen during normal operating conditions. The client should send the confirmation. If it's not the case, the server can't send anymore indication and will receive ACI_GATT_PROC_TIMEOUT_EVENT event after the GATT timeout (30s). This is a critical event that should not happen during normal operating conditions. It is an indication of either a major disruption in the communication link or a mistake in the application which does not provide a reply to GATT procedures. After this event, the GATT channel is closed and no more GATT communication can be performed. The application is expected to issue an ACI_GAP_TERMINATE to disconnect from the peer device.
Best Regards