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STM32WB55 Running BLE Stack not resettable using hardware reset

Associate III

I have a custom board running the BLE (full) stack. The application code is written using the Zephyr RTOS. The power source is a CR2032 coin cell battery. After operating for a while (the actual times vary), some units (not all as far as I know) get into a state where I cannot get the device back by asserting the reset signal on the processor. Only a POR will recover the device.

Some notes:

  • I've measured the current consumption in this state and it is a consistent 400-500uA. The current consumption increases when I assert reset so I know the reset signal is getting asserted
  • It does not seem to be going into the bootloader as it doesn't come up as a DFU device over USB.
  • The ST-LINK debugger cannot connect to the target using any mode (Hot-plug, normal, or under reset).

How can the chip get into such a state where power cycling is necessary to effectively restart it? Has anyone seen something like this before?

ST Employee

Do you use the SMPS?

Can you get access to the device and download the option bytes (OB)?

I assume you connect to your board via the SWD port. Get the OB just after the POR.

Associate III

Yes, I am using the SMPS. When the processor is in this state, I cannot access it at all over SWD. Once I do a BOR, I can access it. The only option byte I modify is the "User configuration" bytes where nBOOT0, nBOOT1, and nSWBOOT0 are all set, The other bytes are all at their default values. Initially, the radio stack is working. After a time, it would stop and end up in this state where a BOR is required to continue.