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STM32WB55 power consumption



I have a board which has a STM32WB55RGV6 MCU and i have a problem. When i connected my board to Power supply, it consumes just 13 mA. But then suddenly, it increased 94 mA. I measured resistance between GND and VDD_MCU pins. I was 53 ohm. I understand that the problem is in there. But i dont understand everythings are working properly. I use SPI1, I2C, SPI2, Analog pins, USB, GPIO pins. There is no problem about them. 

Even if it is in sleep, it consume 82 mA. There is a problem but where is it. How can i solve it?

Thanks for your interest

Chief II

i just can tell you, what i would do:

make a new (test) program, from new Cube ioc definition, only swd , clock tree setting, active, all other pins unused or analog (inputs).

load this program...should (cannot) use many power. if power is high...cpu is defective. replace.

if power is ok, we know now: cpu ok, but one or more pins bad can find them, by adding step by step the peripherals you want. at every step check power ...then you will catch the problem.

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