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STM32WB55 doesn't process client events

Associate II


I'm using stm32wb nucleo board as a central device to connect multiple peripherals. An input data stream from one device is about 40 kb/s, there can be up to three devices. After successful connection the client board starts to get notifications. But at some point the central device stops processing events - such as ACI_GATT_NOTIFICATION_VSEVT_CODE, HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVT_CODE etc (it could be 10 minutes, half hour or several hours). I know for sure that peripherals continue to transmit data. After this I can't disconnect peripherals, start discover or other ble actions. But as I can see in debugger peripheral stay connected. I have not found a reason why this happens and solution for this problem.

Maybe someone had the same issue?

Best regards,
